
About Me

My name is Erika and I live out in the country to be exact! (Delightful Apples ;-P) I am a small town girl that is inspired by many different things.  My current obsession: blogging and organizing. My inspirations: A Bowl Full of Lemons and iheartorganizing .  The two links I provided are definitely the reason why I have become so excited about organizing! I am not a professional by any means, I am just a girl who has been inspired by my favorite organizing blogs. I am on a mission to organize my house and turn it in to a home. So why not blog about it and keep track of my journey?!  Want to see more about our household and see what we are up to?  Check out my other blog Give Me the Simple Life.

The past couple of years have been very exciting and life changing for this household....

May 28, 2011- I married my best friend
May 29, 2011- We signed for our first home
October 2011 - We moved in to our new home
March 2012- I started a new career 

And many other exciting life events in between!
My husband and I don't have any kids yet, but we do have two loving tibetan spaniels, Keets & Byron, who have been a part of our family for three years.  We have been focusing mainly on projects around the house and adjusting to our new life together.

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