
Monday, October 29, 2012

First Blog

My First Blog

I am small town girl inspired by many things and now I have found the perfect outlet to organize all my thoughts and goals. Everything you find in my blog will be the trials and errors of things I want to accomplish in my life. You will also find our journey of turning our new house into our "perfect home" and me trying to become a better organizer.

Many things I am inspired by comes from Pinterest, IHeart Organizing, and A Bowl Full of Lemons. I want to try new things and live life to the fullest. With this blog I can now document it and see my journey. Life can be hard, but I am on a mission to make it easier. Like many, I am just a girl trying to live the simple life.

This is a brand new blog and I have many ideas I want to share.  I will slowly update everything I want to add to my blog when I find the time.  It will take me a little bit to add everything I want to, but keep checking back for continous updates! Most of my blog will be self-challenges for the new year to jump start my resloutions.  January 1st will be the total launch of Delightful Apples. 

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