
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Portable Binder

Here is a closer look into my Martha Stewart binder that I take with me everywhere.  My home management binder is much too big to take with me everywhere so I created a mini one so it is portable.

 Here it is. Isn't it lovely?  I love color!!!

 On the inside cover I keep all my stickers, tabs and post its.  I also keep a stack of the skinny list paper in pocket protector which is on the right.  These list sheets are nice to keep with me because when I do my weekly planning I keep these handy to write anything I need to pick up at the store that week.

 The first section in my binder is the Martha Stewart calendar.  This calendar is so nice because the layout has everything you need on one page to keep you organized.  It has sections for the Morning, Afternoon and Evening to keep your whole day on track.  It also has two blank rows for whatever else you want to keep track of.  Me personally, I use one row for my daily menu and another row for daily to-do.

 The second section of my binder is just a place for daily thoughts and notes so I don't forget anything throughout the day.

The third and last section is where I keep index card pocket protectors.  Why you ask....well, this is where I put my menu cards for the week so I know what ingredients to buy for the week.  It is so much easier to just take a card that has everything I need as opposed to writing down ingredients every week.  To learn more about my menu planning and cards click here.

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